If the RDF dataset to be validated is online, and if and only if the SHACL shapes are registered in SHACL Play shapes catalog,
you can provide direct links to a validation report with the following URL : https://shacl-play.sparna.fr/play/{shapes-catalog-entry-id}/report?url={URL of the RDF data file to validate}
This validation utility is available as an API to generate shields validation badges for dataset. The API URL will return a JSON data that can be tunneled to https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=
This works if and only if the SHACL shapes are registered in SHACL Play shapes catalog.
The API general synopsis is https://shacl-play.sparna.fr/play/{shapes-catalog-entry-id}/badge?url={URL of the RDF data file to validate}
The full badge URL is then https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3a%2f%2fshacl-play.sparna.fr%2fplay%2fshaclplay-catalog%2fbadge%3furl%3dhttps%3a%2f%2fraw.githubusercontent.com%2fsparna-git%2fSHACL-Catalog%2fmaster%2fshacl-catalog.ttl
When you insert the badge on your Github repository, you can use it to link to the "/report" URL (see above). See the Shapes catalog repository README for an example