5 Violations , 1 Warning

  • Violation 4 "Value does not match pattern "^mailto:"" (dcat:contactPoint )  see details
  • Violation 1 "Property may only have 1 value, but found 2" (dct:creator )  see details
  • Warning 1 "Property needs to have at least 1 value" (dcat:landingPage )  see details

Violation 4 "Value does not match pattern "^mailto:"" (dcat:contactPoint)

  • Shape : 3b30880aaa2bfc183503094169808af7
  • Constraint : sh:PatternConstraintComponent
Focus node Property or path Value
http://shacl-play.sparna.fr/shapes-catalog#geosparql11   https://www.ogc.orgl
http://shacl-play.sparna.fr/shapes-catalog#rdafr   https://github.com/transition-bibliographique/ontologie-rda-fr
http://shacl-play.sparna.fr/shapes-catalog#xkosBpShapesConformance   https://github.com/linked-statistics/xkos/
http://shacl-play.sparna.fr/shapes-catalog#xkosBpShapesRecommended   https://github.com/linked-statistics/xkos/

Violation 1 "Property may only have 1 value, but found 2" (dct:creator)

  • Shape : eee8a3ee86d17c81bd44e0a31969f4ac
  • Constraint : sh:MaxCountConstraintComponent
Focus node Property or path Value

Warning 1 "Property needs to have at least 1 value" (dcat:landingPage)

  • Shape : 7278e33d9b4a0cf856c67d4ee4285af4
  • Constraint : sh:MinCountConstraintComponent
Focus node Property or path Value