SHACL editor from Excel

You would like to edit SHACL, but you are wondering how to get started ? Start from Excel.

How-to edit SHACL specifications from Excel files

Download the template file

Start by downloading the template file here

Fill-in the spreadsheet

The file has the following structure:

  • In tab "prefix", declare the necessary prefixes
  • In tab "NodeShapes", declare the NodeShapes with their sh:targetClass and other constraints
  • In tab "PropertyShapes", make one "section" (blue line) per node shape, and declare the property shapes attached to each node shape.:
    • The link to the node shape is made in column ^sh:property.
    • The predicate (or path) is in column sh:path. SHACL property paths are supported, you need to write them as in Turtle, e.g. [sh:inversePath foaf:knows].
    • The URI of the property shape is computed automatically in column URI, based on the line number.
    • SHACL constraints are in the corresponding columns sh:minCount, sh:maxCount, sh:nodeKind, sh:datatype, sh:class, sh:node, etc.
    • You can add more columns as needed. See the detailled xls2rdf converter documentation for all possible features.

Convert the Excel using xls2rdf

Once you have filled in the Excel file, you can convert it to SHACL using the xsl2rdf converter. The converter is available in different packagings : online API, command-line app, Java lib, and also an online Excel conversion form which is the most practical solution to start with :

  1. Upload your Excel file
  2. Check the box at the bottom "Ignore SKOS post-processings"
  3. Click on "Convert" and download the resulting SHACL file.

Test in the documentation generator

Test how your SHACL looks like by uploading it in the documentation generator.