Validate with GeoSPARQL 1.1 RDF Shapes

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You can select multiple files. Supported extensions : .rdf, .ttl, .n3, .trig. Other extensions will be treated as RDF/XML. You can also send zip files.
URL of an RDF file. Same extensions as file upload are supported.
Supported syntaxes : Turtle, RDF/XML, JSON-LD, TriG, TriX, N-Quads. We recommend Turtle.


Check this option to verify that each shape uses only properties explicitely declared in the shape file. \
Enable this option to also include in the validation report the "root" cause of a validation result triggered by an sh:or, sh:and, sh:node or sh:qualifiedNodeShape.
Use this option if the data to be validated contains ontology triples and you need to apply OWL-Micro inference on the data before it is validated. /!\ Inference can take a very long time


If the RDF dataset to be validated is online, and if and only if the SHACL shapes are registered in SHACL Play shapes catalog, you can provide direct links to a validation report with the following URL :{shapes-catalog-entry-id}/report?url={URL of the RDF data file to validate}

For example :

Generate validation badges

This validation utility is available as an API to generate shields validation badges for dataset. The API URL will return a JSON data that can be tunneled to

This works if and only if the SHACL shapes are registered in SHACL Play shapes catalog.

The API general synopsis is{shapes-catalog-entry-id}/badge?url={URL of the RDF data file to validate}

For example :

The full badge URL is then

When you insert the badge on your Github repository, you can use it to link to the "/report" URL (see above). See the Shapes catalog repository README for an example